
Charbonnel et Walker - BRAINSTORMING


I had a lovely break but I'm so, so happy to be back in the studio.

This week I've plunged right into one of my big projects for 2016. I'm creating the site wide permanent artwork for the redevelopment of Bracknell Town Centre, and so this week has been full of meetings and exploring the potential of various locations and materials. It's incredible interesting and I LOVE the huge scale of the project. 

For now I can finally share the work I've been doing for Charbonnel et Walker, I was given a completely open brief to illustrate their 2016 Valentine chocolate range and I thought it might be interesting to share the design process.

Initially I presented them with a range of potential directions (shown below) each idea had a mood board and a rough mock up. Although the work would be eventually drawn, I find that people find it easier to understand ideas using rough photo comps, rather than a scruffy line drawing!

Next week I'll share more work from this project, until then have a lovely time full of new Christmas socks and long winter walks! x

1 comment:

brittain mcginnis said...

Nice blog you have, thanks for posting