
Waitrose celebrity gardens

Here's the last four weeks of my illustrations for Waitrose, each week a celebrity describes their garden and based on their description only I create an illustration of what I imagine it looks like. 

It's such a fun project each week, here top to bottom are the gardens of:
- Ann Widdecombe
- Francis Tophill
- John Gorden Sinclair and
- Linda Barker

Last Sunday I went to visit the Chelsea Physic Garden, It's the oldest botanical garden in London and because it is in the centre of the city, walled and four acres it feels like such an intimate sanctuary - I loved it. I then went on to the Saatchi Gallery to see the astonishing current exhibition 'Paper', if you're nearby I very highly recommend it!

Tomorrow I'm back in London I'm going to see the new exhibition at The Hayward, the Conrad Shawcross piece at the Roundhouse and off to buy jam at The London Borough of Jam HURRAH! Have a lovely weekend whatever you get up to and I'll be back next week x

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